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The Sinaloa Squeeze

Writer: elchapo1225sgelchapo1225sg

"Are they shooting at us?" Johnny asks. "Of course they are. How do you think the back window just shattered. Did you think it was from them projecting bad vibrations? Damn it Rico now what did you do? I wondered why you ran out of the Bar so fast." It was all going so well. I knew it was too good to be true. The easiest job ever and Johnny throws dynamite into a fire. We (actually only me) were contracted by "El Jefe" to collect money that he is owed by "Traficantes". Drive around Sinaloa picking up debts and deliver the money back to El Patron. ( The Boss ) That simple, nothing complicated or dangerous. "Johnny tell me what happened back at the Bar while I was doing business. You're suppose to be watching my back pinche guay. Did you try to pick up some cabron's wife or girlfriend again? You lost a bet and didn't pay the guy. That's it, I saw you playing pool when I went upstairs with the owner to collect the debt. Just like the time in Medellin when you lost playing Poker and I ended up paying those fucking Chulos for you. They were going to cut your huevos off and let you bleed to death. All for 470,000 pesos ($75.00 U.S.) you cheap bastard. Digame que hiciste?" (tell me what you did) He looks at me with those sad, guilty eyes of his, swallows and attempts to talk but he stutters to buy more time to fabricate a lie. "Desculpeme carnal they were cheating me...." “Ya know what? Shut the fuck up! After all the years we've been together you're going to lie to me? Mentrioso Pedazo de mierda envuelo en piel." (Liar, piece of shit wrapped in skin) How much do you owe those chulos? And tell me the truth don't make this any worse. Digame cuanto naco? ( tell me how much hillbilly) "I lost only two times Santiago. Then he say give my money because he say Colombianos are all cheaters." "How much? I don't need to hear your cuenta de Hada." (fairytale) "I think it is $100." He confesses "Ok, turn around and go back you're going to pay these Mexicans." "Santiago I don't have $100. I only have maybe $60." "What the hell Rico. You're betting with money you don't have and you're betting on Pool. And it's long overdue but let me tell you the ugly truth. You suck at Pool, my dead grandmother could beat you with one arm and she went blind at fifty. That's how horrible you are playing Pool. I'll lend you $50 to pay those Chulos. I hope the owner didn't call El Jefe and tell him what happened. The Cartel kills people for less than this." "And one thing you should might want to know is I didn't pay the Bar bill for beer and the Chicharrones." "What the fuck were you thinking? You obviously weren't thinking at all. Rico one of these days sometime, somewhere you're going get me killed. I swear to something , I don't know what but I will come back kill you twice and make sure you never enter the Heaven you think exists. Now turn around and head back." I look in the back to assess the damage. "Aw shit here they come they're chasing us. When they get close slam on the breaks and turn this piece of shit around. Just hope they don't start shooting at us.” Johnny slows down and as soon as they are on our bumper's ass, he hits the brakes. He does the James Bond super spy turn around slams the shifter into first and floors the truck. We leave them in the dust of the shoulder dirt and head back to the location of the " Rico Rift" The vehicle that has been following doesn't respond with speed guessing we are heading back to the Bar and into their territory. "Maybe we should stop here and pay the money to them. Then we no have to go all the many Kilometers back." Johnny says sheepishly. "Ya sure, stop in the middle of nowhere and negotiate with some Sinaloa gang members. Perfect no witnesses, no protection, all the fire power stashed in back. You with the six shot antique 38 and my Glock doesn't have a full clip. Might as well just ask them to kill us then steal El Jefe's cash. Doesn't matter that I'd be dead Jefe would find my body and murder me all over again. No get to the Bar step on it!” We're about 5 kilometers (3 miles) from possible safety. The Sinaloa assassins are following about 1,000 meters behind. "I feel like there's something you're not telling me Rico. Otherwise you'd never suggest such a dangerous meeting with these Mexicans in the middle of the desert. What aren't you telling me you crazy Columbian poor excuse for a friend? Johnny I can't get us out of this if I don't know what we're up against. Spit it out pendejo!" "I think maybe I hit the guy playing Pool with the stick in the head. He did not get up and then I run when I see you at the truck. Everyone start yelling and coming after me." " Johnny I didn't see anyone chasing you!" "Because I closed the doors and put the broken stick in the handles to stop them." " You think you might have hit someone, you don't know? No, no, no, Rico which muchacho did you hit? It wasn't the guy with black shirt and white cowboy hat. Tell me it wasn't him. Was his name Rafael?" "I think someone call him Rafa. Yes he have a white hat. You know who is him,?" "Johnny that's Miguel the owner's son. Dios mio (my God) we're in deep shit now pinche guay. Floor it and quit looking in your rear view mirror. Rico you're paying to replace the window and fix the bullet holes!" "You don't have the insurance for the car when you rented it?" He asks "What insurance cabron, this isn't a Rental. This is Sebastian's truck and he's going to be pissed off if he sees this." The Mexicans in the truck behind us accelerate and pull up next to the driver's window and the guy in the passengers seat points an AK 47 at Johnny. He starts screaming at us to pull over. Johnny gives me a look showing no fear. We've prepared for this day since the first drug run we did together. I knew that this was always a possibility but I’m still not ready to die. I holler back that I needed to talk to Miguel I forgot to give him a message from El Jefe. And that Johnny needed to pay Rafael. "I'm not going inside and polysize to no one Santi. He say all Colombianos is ladrones (thieves). I don't think it will be a good idea for that to happen." Even with a machine gun pointed at us and no telling how many more in the truck bed, I can see Johnny is about to make a drastic mistake. "Don't do it Johnny!" I'm sure he's contemplating running the truck next to us off the road. The guy in the passenger's seat pulls the AK47 back inside and the truck slows down and pulls in behind us. "Johnny we have to clear this up. If El Jefe gets wind of what went on here it'll be a bad, bad thing for both of us. I'll take care of this mess and I won't let anything happen to you. Tu eres mi carnal. (You're my best friend) . You trust me don't you?" "Yes I trust you always but I don't trust these pendajos. " I can see the Bar Mi Rancho up ahead and notice two Police cars parked in front. You may think the Police are there to settle the disagreement. This is Mexico, the Police aren't the Police. They enforce their own laws protecting their interests or the interests of anyone that pays for their dedicated and loyal service. Most are on someone's payroll, it's usually the Patron(boss) that controls the area of the Cartel's operations. We're five kilometers outside of Culican and I can't believe how fast they responded. Now there's also fake Police, cars designed to look like Police Cruisers and uniforms resembling Policemen as well. There is really no way to distinguish the difference until in most cases it's too late. " Johnny relax everything is going to be fine. There's no reason to be nervous. What ever you do don't look as though you're afraid." I attempt to reassure him even though I don't have any idea how I'm going to handle the situation. Miguel is out front talking with the Cops and I direct Johnny to park next to the Police Cars. The truck that had been tailing us pulls around to the side most likely to hide their weapons from the Officers. I assume that it my be a clue to the authenticity of the authorities. Although I'm unable to determine if it's a good thing or a bad thing. My first assumption is that they're the real deal. I instruct Johnny to stay in the car and wait until I call for him. I look over at him to grab his shoulder as a gesture of comfort and see his gun sitting on the seat between his legs. "Johnny either put that pistol away or shoot yourself with it. Do not under any circumstances start shooting. Do you understand me?" He looks over at me and shakes his head but I have little faith that he will comply with my request. I exit the truck and walk immediately toward the Officers. The guys who had been following in the truck behind appear and head to the Bar entrance and stand outside starring at Johnny in the truck. "Buenas Oficers me gustaría una oportunidad para explicar." (I'd like a chance to explain) "You have a lot of explaining to do Santiago. You forgot to pay your Bar bill and you left before you bought me lunch. I'm glad you come back . Now you can buy lunch for me and Enrique." The Policeman laughs and extends his hand to shake mine. It just happens to be Officer Ceasar Fonseca from a La Tuna El Jefe's hometown and a cousin as well. The other Cop I also recognize. He's Enrique Gallardo from Guadalajara that I 've met on several occasions at El Jefe's ranch. "What a pleasure to see you both again. I'd be honored if you both would join me for lunch, I'll buy." "Claro Santiago. Gracias." Enrique replies. "Miguel I am so sorry about your son. I guess my friend and Rafael your son didn't get along. I would appreciate a chance to make it up to him." "Who that lazy bastard that hangs at my bar all day drinking my beer and fucking the waitresses? He's my girlfriend's son not mine. I don't care what happens to him. I'm not his babysitter, but you have to pay the Bar bill." He demands with a smile. I hand over a 100 dollar bill, then shake his hand. "Let's have lunch" I yell at Johnny He flashes a smile so big that I'm sure it will not fit through the truck door. # END# Judge Santiago Burdon ©2016. Word Count 1900


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