Judge Burdon's Writers Presidio
An Analectic Scrap Heep of Short Stories and Poetry
Judge Santiago Burdon

On an unseasonably cool July morning in Chicago, equivalent to Dickens' David Copperfield , Judge Burdon was born on a Friday. He developed an early fascination for poetry and classic novels inspiring his study of English Literature. Judge attended Universities in the United States, London and Paris focusing on Victorian novels and authors.His writing career to date has been devoted primarily to finishing his book "Imitation of Myself A Cautionary Tale" A non-fiction story encompassing his experiences as a drug runner for a Mexican Cartel. Short stories and poems have been featured in; The Remnant Leaf, Stay Weird and Keep Writing, Independent Writer's Blog, Spillwords, The Beatnik Cowboy, Down in the Dirt Magazine, Eskimo Pie, The Stray Branch, Anti-Heroin Chic, Raven Cage, Horror Sleaze Trash, Across The Margin and The Story Pub. Judge celebrated his 65th birthday last July and lives modestly in Costa Rica.

Writer and Poet
A Poet is an Artist that paints in darkness
Words of the poem colors creating light
A writer is blessed with all of the answers
Cursed with the search for the right questions to ask.
Judge Santiago Burdon
Get in Touch
Writers Presidio welcomes your comments, suggestions or critiques.Check out my Facebook Page
506 8328 4175


"Judge Burdon's poetry is a sophisticated slap in the face. The imagery induces you to clear your throat and shift your weight from one side to the other. Judge doesn't waste his words in an attempt to make you comfortable. As a poet he delivers defined grit and structured devastation."
S.L. Fleurimont Editor
The Remnant Leaf
An Online Journal
October 2017

Writers Presidio Special Thanks
The Remnant Leaf
The Story Pub
Down In The Dirt Magazine
Spillwords Press
Beatnik Cowboy
Across The Margin
Horror Sleaze Trash Magazine
The Raven Cage
The Scarlet Leaf
The Stray Branch
Eskimo Pie
Independent Writers Blog
Poetry Soup
Gentry McShane
Trevor Harrison
Lori Sanders
Jane Howe
Shiela Henry
Heath Brougher
Sally Johnson
Jerry Langdon
Tom Morgan
Kathleen Angerhoffer.
Robin Smith
Michael George
Matt Nagin
Patrick Jordan, Candace Hogan, Mark Austin Thomas Kanary The Pillions Shane Starkweather, Tom Pugliese Heenan Family, Mimi Haggerty , Denise Lekowitz ESPECIALLY SHANNON HAGGERTY ROBERT DRENTHAnd oh so many more...
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