I can't trust myself to be alone with me.
the only friend I have is myself
We're not the best of company
Never has liked me
That's how myself always felt
I tell myself No
but I hear me insist Yes
Then a raging battle ensues after
There's never a winner
when the decision is made
The result is always structured disaster
Discovered myself hitchhiking
Waiting for eternity's hearse
So I asked me why accept that final ride
Myself answered me living is a fate much worse
The hearse stopped on couple of occasions
And myself came close to taking the ride
All the doors were locked and the windows rolled up
It wouldn't let me get inside
I find me eavesdropping when thinking to myself
Keeping secrets is an impossible mission
Sometimes I divulge their contents to some mind doctor outsider
Who hears me but never listens.
The daily routine has become so exhausting
Behaving untouched facing people with a smile
They should award me an Oscar for my portrayal
Acting as though I’m in control
while hiding the tortured soul of
myself inside.
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