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Good Boy Gone Wrong

He came from a good family The kind that hides its sins Raised with Christian understanding Born white the privileged colored skin He was...

The Twice Killed Cat

We became acquainted in a Mexican prison where I was a guest for eight months. He spoke some English and was eager to learn all he could...

Watermelon Round-up Run

Watermelon Round-up Run "Hey man wake up. Dude we've got a problem. Santiago, God Damn it hear me? There's Border Patrol up ahead and...

I Should Have Known Better

Incidental Thespian

I can't trust myself to be alone with me. the only friend I have is myself We're not the best of company Never has liked me That's how...

The Gargoyle Yawns

The Fogwalker searches for clues in the moist darkness of early morning. The mist feels it's way through empty alleys and vacant lots....

Mirror Voyeur

Hey you! Ya you dimwit! Don't look at me like that. Do you know who I am?, I don't even know who I am. How the hell should I know who...

Florsheim On My Mind

What kind of Psychological observation is that for a Psychologist to tell someone? It's not like I don't have enough shit to deal with....

Ran Into Elvis Jesus and Your Memory at Walmart

Left toothbrushless mine pilfered along with shampoo,deodorant, razors and other such found me wasted in Walmart Thieving Gnomes at the...

Legend Of Fosse Way

Riding hard under a moonlight high not a leaf rustling and it troubles my mind In the distance there's music of the lyre and flute...

Nunca Escribo Poemas De Amor

Dices que nunca escribo poemas de amor. No significa que no me sienta así. Con todo el amor que me has mostrado cariño. Tú eres mi razón...

Spillwords Spotlight On Writers

The Flower Isn't Worth The Rain

He was on the short end of a losing dream She smoked their last cigarette of faith Running out of time and out of breath She couldn't...

Here With Me You Will Stay

I lie next to you in the partial darkness Lit by a single bulb hanging from a cable I watch you sleep in a permanent slumber Your body...

Too Good For Me

You want me to be a dancer But my rhythm is in my speech Always asking me for answers When the words are out of reach You say I've got no...

She Loves NASCAR

She loves NASCAR. I prefer Gaugin or Renoir but she loves NASCAR It's a southern fascination as Dixie as Faulkner and Sweet Potato Pie I...

Growing Old

I'm sitting here thinking about my folks. It feels like years since I've been home. I've got a feeling like I'm homesick. But it's...

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